Mill Cove Boardwalk

A boardwalk that looks over Mill Cove with views of waterfowl, the Fore River, and the Portland skyline.

Managed by the City of South Portland


Trail Heads

the mill cove boardwalk has one PRIMARY ACCESS POINt: 

Hannaford Supermarket Parking Lot: The boardwalk loops around the water side of the supermarket and can be accessed from either end of the parking lot.

About the Trail

This short boardwalk extends over the marshy shore of Mill Cove affording views of waterfowl, the Fore River, and the Portland skyline. The remains of a small dam on which was located a grist mill, from which the cove presumably got its name, also is visible.

Please use caution and common sense when using facilities like the Mill Cove Boardwalk. The boardwalk is minimally engineered in order to preserve a natural experience. Neither the City of South Portland nor the South Portland Land Trust are responsible for accidents or injury that may occur on its trails. Enjoy the trails, but use them at your own risk. Thank you.

Photo Gallery

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