Trout Brook Trail

This small network provides access to Trout Brook and a wooded area in the middle of a residential area.
Managed by the South Portland Land Trust


Trail Heads


Boothby or Providence Avenues: Access to these trails are from either Boothby or Providence Avenues in South Portland. Parking is on the street or at a small parking pullout area on Boothby Avenue, 200 feet north of its intersection with Beaufort Street where the brook crosses under the road.

About the Trail

The SPLT transformed an unmaintained gravel pit into a natural area with stream-side, deep wood and meadow trails, new signage, two new bog bridges and a new 45 foot bridge over Trout Brook. SPLT volunteers pitched in to do the work and our volunteer stewards keep the trails well groomed. 

Portland Trails aided the project by contributing $1,000 from its Bridges Campaign to help pay for a span crossing the brook and provided essential expertise needed in constructing the bridge landings. Both Custom Float Services and Keeley Crane, the fabricator and installer of the bridge, discounted their fees for this important community project.

From Boothby Avenue, walk east into the bird-filled woods to where the trail splits to either follow Trout Brook (right) or wind through a wooded area (left). The more adventurous route is along Trout Brook with some steeper pitches but with the reward of access to the brook at several places. Both trails connect to Providence Avenue. On Providence Avenue, the trail picks up south of Trout Brook to continue with steep switchbacks up hill connecting to Parrott Street.

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